
  • Life

    <em>Life has been painful, troublesome and empty for me for as long as I can remember. […] I have always suffered a lot physically, morally, and intellectually, and this is what everything boils down to.</em>

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  • Family

    <em>When I sleep, you wake me again; And, when brother lay in the little cradle, Mother did not wake him, But he slept through night and day.</em>

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  • Authorship

    <em>Let me rest once [for once]: it is the right</em> <em>Of your long-faithful servant.</em> <em>I've always been the plaything of your mind,</em> <em>And interpreter of your sense,...</em>

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  • Artist, scholar and cultural critic

    <em>Surely I have had many duties, and of the most varied kinds, in my troubled life...</em>

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  • Devotion

    <em>Once one has got to know him [the man Bilderdijk], insofar as this is possible from modesty, and one is receptive to such forms, then he exerts an imperishable attraction.</em>

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