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A street, a picture book, a story

Mr. Bastiaan – “just call me Ton” - is standing in the doorway of his house. He arrived here in 1977, along with his wife Loes. They are the last of the “old guard” in the street. The door is always ajar, inviting you to enter. As soon as you enter, you are offered a cup of tea or coffee, along with sweets and chocolate.

Stepping into their living room is the most wondrous experience: everywhere you look there are tiny wooden and porcelain figurines sitting on ridges and shelves. Loes has been collecting them over the years. Frogs, fairies, sailors, or a whole row of different Santas, they have just about everything. You can even spot the figurines on the lamp that hangs from the ceiling - all in a beach theme. “And once upon a time, we had a glass lamp in which a real goldfish swam around”, Ton tells us proudly.

Their shared love for collecting is not only limited to figurines: after pouring a cup of tea, Ton grabs a white binder. It turns out to be a very extensive picture book, filled with photos, newspaper clippings, letters, and diary entries from their time in the Wolmaransstraat - a collection that goes back all the way until the late 70s. It is a true treasure, with photos that cannot be found in official archives.

But perhaps the greatest treasure of all is the knowledge that Ton and Loes themselves possess. Each picture has its own unique story linked to it. There is so much to tell about the Wolmarans! Some stories are visible only in the photo album, but there are also traces to be found in and on the building itself. Remember the doorway Ton was leaning against when we first met him? Let’s go back to that…